Are People From Los Angeles Called Angelinos? - Angeleno Insider | Best Places to Live, Work, and Play (2025)

Are People From Los Angeles Called Angelinos? - Angeleno Insider | Best Places to Live, Work, and Play (1)

People from Los Angeles are often called Angelinos. This term is derived from the city’s original Spanish name, “Los Angeles.”

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Definition of Angelino

Angelinos are people from Los Angeles, California. They are often called “Angelinos” because of the strong Italian influence in the area.

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Overview of Los Angeles

Los Angeles is a large city located in Southern California. It is known for its beautiful weather and diverse culture. Many people from Los Angeles are called Angelinos.

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History of the Term Angelino

Los Angeles, California is known as the “City of Angels.” The term “Angelino” is used to describe someone from Los Angeles. However, people from other parts of California are also called Angelinos.

Origin of the Term

There is no one answer to this question as people from Los Angeles can be referred to as Angelinos, Angelenos, or just Los Angeles residents. However, it is generally accepted that the term originated from the early days of the city’s history when many of the new settlers were from the Angeles National Forest.

Popularity of the Term

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on what you mean by “Angelino.” Generally, people from Los Angeles are called Angelinos, but there are also people from other parts of California who are called Angelinos. Some people from other parts of the United States who have lived in Los Angeles for a long time may also be called Angelinos.

Reasons Why People From Los Angeles Are Called Angelinos

There are many reasons why people from Los Angeles are called Angelinos. First, the city of Los Angeles is named after the Angelina Jolie movie star. Second, many Angelinos are of Italian descent, and the Italian word for “angel” is angelino. Finally, the city’s geography and climate make it a perfect place to grow grapes, which is why many Angelinos are called wine lovers.

Geographic Location

Los Angeles, California is located in Southern California. The majority of the population is of Mexican descent. Many people in Los Angeles call themselves “Angelinos.”

Cultural Identity

There is no one answer to this question as people from Los Angeles can be referred to as Angelinos, Southern Californians, or even just Californians. However, it is generally accepted that people from Los Angeles are considered to be part of the Southern California culture. This is because the city is located in the southern part of the state, and many of the people who live there are of Southern California heritage.

Criticisms of the Term Angelino

There are many criticisms of the term “Angelino.” Some people argue that the term is exclusive and only applies to people from Los Angeles. Others say that the term is outdated and should be replaced with a more inclusive term, such as Californian. Ultimately, the term’s use is up to the individual.

Exclusion of Other Los Angeles Residents

There is some debate as to whether people from Los Angeles are called Angelinos. Some people believe that the term is only used by those who live in the city, while others believe that it is a general term used to describe anyone from the area. Regardless of its origin, the term is often used to describe people from Los Angeles with pride.

Stereotyping of Los Angeles Residents

There is a lot of stereotyping of Los Angeles residents, but is there a specific name for people who live in Los Angeles? Some people say that Angelinos are the best name for people who live in Los Angeles, but others say that the name is too generic.


There is no definitive answer to this question as people from Los Angeles can be referred to as Angelinos, Californians, or simply Los Angelinos. However, it is generally accepted that people from Los Angeles are called Angelinos.

Summary of the Topic

People from Los Angeles are called Angelinos. This term is derived from the Spanish word “angel,” meaning “messenger.”

Final Thoughts on the Term Angelino

There are many different opinions on whether or not Angelinos are people from Los Angeles. Some people believe that Angelinos are people from the Los Angeles area, while others believe that Angelinos are people from anywhere in California. However, most people seem to agree that Angelinos are a unique and distinct group of people.

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Are People From Los Angeles Called Angelinos? - Angeleno Insider | Best Places to Live, Work, and Play (2025)


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